Wednesday, July 2, 2014

On the Planet

Today made yesterday's frustration over big girl pants seem like the best day ever.  Blah.  I spent at least 4 hours on the phone dealing with insurance and doctors and pharmacies and this and that and a million other things.  Bureaucracy is exhausting.  On the plus side, one of the people I spoke with might have been the nicest insurance person on the planet.  I have never talked to anyone in customer service who was that nice and helpful.  She almost restored my faith in humanity. Or, if not in humanity then at least in people who answer the phone for a living.  So this post is in honor of Jill, whoever and wherever she may be, for being the nicest insurance person on the planet.  Here are some shoes I found on a site called planet shoes:

They're cute, and they look comfortable.  So they all seem to fit into my new shoe plan of, well, cute and comfortable.  They're also rather more pricey than I usually go for in shoes, but since I'm only window shopping (computer screen shopping?), it doesn't matter much.  Cute shoes and nice people make for bright spots in an otherwise annoyingly frustrating day.