Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Bean

So the Bean just turned 11, which is crazy because 5 minutes ago she was a baby who suck her tongue out in every picture. Seriously, I think we have one picture of her in her first 3 years of life without her tongue sticking out. And of course she was adorable. Anyway, it was her birthday, and I didn't post and now it's the middle of the night again, but whatever. The Bean has always made me laugh and she also has a completely evil way of making me cry, either from sweetness or guilt. We have competitions to see who loves the other the furthest. She used to say she loved me to the pond and back. I finally figured out she meant the pond at the library next to my parents' house. Considering we were both living there at the time, it wasn't very far. Distance is relative when you're 4, I guess. Now we love each other to places like Jupiter and back, or we see who can come up with the goofiest place. So yeah, I love the kid. Until tonight when I discovered yet another member of my family with shoes named after her. I dislike my entire family, now. They are ugly and their mamas dress them funny. So there. Ok, immature temper tantrum over. Let's look at the shoes. I'm not going to comment on them now, I'll wait until the Bean gets home from her mom's house so she can give her opinion of them.

Happy late birthday, Bean! Even though I no longer like you, I still love you to the shoe store and back!

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