Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I was going to post earlier, but first I forgot what I was going to write about, and then I forgot to post. Collective eye roll. Whatever. Also, I'm going to talk about today even though it was actually yesterday. I haven't slept yet; that's my logic. Today I sorted through clothes and shoes to purge and reorganize. I now have 3 large garbage bags to take the Goodwill, one of which is shoes. I didn't count the number of pairs that were in there, and even if I had I wouldn't tell you because frankly it's embarrassing how many shoes I can get rid of and how many I still have left. But I do feel accomplished for getting the task done. I also got allergy shots and had coffee with a friend, so a fairly productive day with some socializing thrown in. Today was better in terms of pets, thank goodness. Although both puppies are currently whining because Tallulah is locked in the bathroom. I will be so happy when Chalupa's hormones settle down and she is out of heat. Oh well. Shoes. Brown. It's kind of a theme. Poop is Brown, puppies are brown, coffee is brown. Heck, even the hubby is brown. Hee hee. But plain brown shoes are a bit boring, so we're adding turquoise to the mix.

I don't wear cowboy boots, but these are cute.

I actually used to have these shoes. I think they were the victims of my last moving purge.

Ooooh! Wedges!

I very much enjoy Keens. Even though they make my feet stink.

Adorable. Yes, please.

Baby shoes in the colors and pattern I would like a nursery if that was ever a necessity.

Also cute. Very girly. Speaking of girly, or at least a girl, today was the Bean's birthday. Apparently in July I blog all birthdays a day late, as I'm not redoing this post. Especially considering I did it on my Kindle. Sigh, one day maybe my memory will return. In the meantime, good night, and here's hoping Tallulah stops whining, Chalupa doesn't destroy anything trying to get to her, and the hubby gets his elbow out of my hip before I have to smack him.

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