Sunday, August 3, 2014


I seriously just told the puppies, "puppies who poop in the dining room don't get treats."  They just looked up a me adoringly and expectantly, assuming they would OF COURSE get a treat.  They did not.

In other news, the hubby and I went and toured model homes today, just for something to do to get us out of the house.  They were all nice, but there was one that I wanted to move into immediately, furniture and all.  Every room had blue in it.  Lots of other accent colors, too, but blue was the main theme.  Sigh...  It was also 6 bedrooms, 5 baths, so that seems more than a little extreme.  Ugh, I'd have to clean FIVE bathrooms.  Maybe the blue isn't so great after all.

But no shoes about either of these topics.  Have you seen today's Google doodle?  I can't get a picture of it for you, but it's in celebration of John Venn's birthday.  It reminds me, though, of a kaleidoscope.  I think kaleidoscopes are very fun.  My disgustingly talented parents (hi, Mom and Dad!) made one once out of stained glass.  Where is that, by the way?  So here are some kaleidoscope shoes.

These are...interesting.  I guess I can see why they were labeled as kaleidoscope shoes.  I actually like the pattern on the side, but I don't really think it needs the orange and black and white parts as well.

Now these say kaleidoscope to me.  I like them.  They are fun and I would wear them.

Like a good kaleidoscope, these make my eyes go a little squiggly.  But blue, so that's nice.

I wish these had more color.  I like the colorful parts, but the rest is a bit blah.

These are fun.  Butterflies!  I like it when kaleidoscopes make a recognizable pattern.

How fun is this?  A shoe kaleidoscope!

One more thing before I go.  The PF sent me another pin last night, but I didn't see it until I had already posted.

Very autumny.  And I'm sure you won't be surprised that I like the shape.

I was in bed before midnight last night and it's my goal to be in bed by 11:30 tonight.  Wish me luck!

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