Thursday, August 14, 2014

More Plaid

I've been listening to an audiobook with a lot of Scottish people in it, so tonight's post will be about plaid.  Blue plaid, to be precise, as it's my blog and I like blue.  And plaid.  And Scots.

I love these.  Want them.  Think I could pull them off.

If it weren't for the yellow stripe, these could be McKenzie plaid (my mom's maiden name).  I still can't find any McKenzie plaid shoes, which is just rude.  Would someone PLEASE get on that?

I like this color combination.  For some reason, these shoes remind me of Christmas.

I have a skirt in a plaid very similar to this.  Stupid slingbacks.

I like these, too, although not as much as the first pair of canvas tennies.

Awww...the PB needs BOTH of these adorable pairs of blue plaid shoes.

See?  They make McKenzie plaid PANTS for the love of Pete.  Where are my shoes?  Rude.  Also, I think my brother needs these.  He could wear them for the times when the car seat is too cold for his kilt (as a man he forgets to tuck his skirt under him before sitting.  (heehee)).

1 comment:

  1. Cool shoes but no McK plaid is just RUDE!
