Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Same Old Same Old

I know, I know.  It's been awhile since I posted.  It's just that my days are so very similar right now that I don't often find much inspiration for writing.  There are slight variations, of course, but each day tends to involve getting up with the hubby around 5 am, then going back to sleep; yelling at puppies; snuggling puppies; giving dragons baths (they like to poop in water, so they get put in the tub everyday, which has the added bonus of keeping the cage clean, but which then turns the tub into a dragon toilet.  Poop soup, as I like to call it.  And the hubby wonders why I don't like taking baths in our tub anymore...); housework, running errands, working on THE LIST (3,115 lines and counting), paying/worrying about bills, obsessing over the completely strange things the depression has caused me to obsess over; etc, etc.  The only variations are when I go to the library, which is awesome, or when I have doctor's appointments, which is less so.  This week I went to the dentist and got the news that I have to get my wisdom teeth out.  Woohoo!  This was less than inspiring in terms of shoes.  Occasionally I do something with a friend, or something with the hubby when he is home.  But for the most part I have been idea-less for posts. I have actually taken up a new project lately, though:

Instead of throwing old t-shirts away, I cut them up and made a rug.  My grandmother used to make beautiful rag rugs, so I thought I'd give it a try.  Hers were much, much better, but I thought for a first attempt this wasn't too bad, even if it won't lie flat because I screwed up a few places.  But I think I've learned how to avoid that for the next rug.  This is 8 t-shirts, except for that row between the green and the yellow and that's small scraps in several colors of another material.  Surprisingly, the hubby didn't freak out about how colorful it is.  Maybe because I put it in the garage in front of the door coming into the house.  He just said, "what's this mat thing?"  I told him and he said, "oh, so I'm supposed to step on it?"  Apparently last night he had stepped OVER it.  Which is kind of sweet.  And  little weird.

So...rugs and shoes.  I didn't deliberately match my shoes with the rug, it was a coincidence, I wanted my feet for a little perspective.  Chalupah is there in the corner, appearing in his first photo bomb.

Cute, but I don't think I'm ready for a shoe rug.  Maybe when I was single I would have done a shoe-themed bathroom and used this as a bath mat.

 Very cute.  But why are there bugs on the checker board?  I might consider this for PB's potential room, but really could d without the bugs.  Except for the dragonflies.  Those can stay.

Very similar to the first one, but I like the black background better.

Oh dear.  These are actually kind of cute, but I can't get past the texture.  Maybe they're softer than they look, but I would think rug shoes would be really stiff.

Aaaaaand no.  Do you think there is a carpet bag to match these?  Yikes.

I can't guarantee I'll be better about posting regularly, but I will do my best.

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