Sunday, August 10, 2014


I mentioned on Facebook yesterday that I can't believe I've never read Madeleine L'Engle's books.  I read A Wrinkle in Time this weekend and really liked it.  My dad said she is one of his favorite authors so he can't figure out why I never read her books.  The BFF also loves her and has often talked about her books throughout our friendship.  All I knew is that I had a vague memory of not wanting to read them as a kid.  As I was puttering around on the internet today I remembered why:

It was this cover.  It completely creeped me out, and yes, I judged a book by its cover.  I judged, freaked out, and refused to read it.  30 years later, a different cover, and I've finally remedied the situation.

So, since the book involves travel to different planets, tonight we're going with a stars/galaxies theme.

I didn't realize space was pink.  Heehee  But I like these shoes.

I don't like the style so much, but love the stars.

Nice!  It seems to be a series of galaxy tennies in different colors.

Blue.  Yay.  Still can't pull off high tops, though.

Wouldn't it be fun if space looked like this?  Weird, but fun.

Awww...the PB and I could have matching blue star shoes.

For you green fans out there.  I couldn't find a whole green pair, but this pair is very pretty.

Ooooh...if the PB had an older sibling we could ALL have matching shoes!

I really like these.  Not my usual color scheme, but you know I'm a sucker for an ankle strap.

Good night.  Please don't dream about that cover.  I don't want to be responsible for the nightmares.

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