Friday, August 8, 2014

No Rhyme Or Reason

This week I have been cleaning and sorting and recycling and throwing out. Also some reading. All good stuff, but not very interesting or inspiring to write about. Except to say GO, ME! But that's still not interesting. And I'm still not terribly inspired, but for no apparent reason blue canvas tennies shoes popped in my head so I'm going with it.

I've never considered myself cool and/or quirky enough to wear high top canvas shoes. I like them, though, and I love this color. Maybe I should try for more quirk (because I'll never pull off the cool).

Love this color scheme, although I think I'd start with the solid color first.

Awww...PB needs these! soon before I could pull off the pattern?

I once played a camp counselor in a school play and wore shoes very similar to this, although mine were brown, cuz that's how camp counsellors roll.

High tops for the dog. No.

I think these are kids shoes, but I would totally wear them. Love the colors. Does that make me quirky or just weird? I think I don't care.

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