Saturday, September 6, 2014

Grumpy Teeth/Sniffy Puppies

My mouth hurts.  Even with the pain meds it is really sore.  Ice cream didn't help tonight.  Plus, my breath has been really bad despite brushing and flossing like I always do.  So I'm a little grumpy about my mouth right now.  Other than that it was a good day.  We took the puppies on an adventure to the house of some friends of ours and they got to smell lots and lots of new smells, which is one of their favorite things.  The sniffed so much they have been sleeping on my lap for the last couple of hours.  Poor worn out puppies...their lives are tough.

Even with puppy snuggles I'm still grumpy about the mouth pain, but since this week has been about teeth for the hubby and me, tonight we'll look at teeth shoes.  

These all really cute, and they all crack me up.  It shouldn't surprise me that there are teeth shoes out there, I guess.  I love that last pair with the different colored squares.  If I worked in a dentist's office I would definitely wear those.  I would also wear the ones above because they are so fun and colorful.

Like the puppies, these cute shoes don't make my mouth feel better, but at least they make me smile (although it's an inside smile as I don't want to do anything that hurts).

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