Friday, September 5, 2014


I wish I had a really good, compelling reason for why I haven't posted in so long.  Maybe I was off doing amazing humanitarian work somewhere, or I was backpacking around Europe, or I've been starring in my own TV series.  I don't know, but anything would probably be more interesting than what's really been happening.  There were several days about a week ago where I totally felt like I was failing at life.  Now, I know I'm NOT failing at life, but do you ever have those days where all of your mistakes and stupidities seem to pile up and fall in a heap on your head?  I was disappointed in myself, the hubby was pissed at me, and it was just drama drama drama.  On Wednesday I got my wisdom teeth out.  Thankfully I only have 2 and they weren't impacted.  It was a really simple and easy procedure, I didn't get chipmunk cheeks or bruising, really and I've been feeling pretty good.  Until today.  I know anesthesia stays in your system for 3 days so you can feel pretty bad that third day, but does a local?  Whatever it is, my jaw really really really hurts.  Thank goodness for ice cream and pain medicine.  I'll be fat and high, but at least my face won't hurt so much.  Yesterday the hubby went to the dentist to have some work done and ended up having a five hour root canal.  He was pretty miserable yesterday when we got home, but after a pain pill and a nap he's been fine, and hasn't had any trouble eating.  I'm sticking with soft foods.  Half the family is going to the doctor lately:  Chalupa had to go because he ate most of a Subway sandwich wrapper and got extremely constipated.  I'll spare you the rest of the details.  Are you seeing anything in this paragraph that would make a good post about shoes??!

Now, on a happy note, we got to have breakfast with Pippi's and Tink's mom and sister this morning!  Have I started calling sister Scout?  Because that was her childhood nickname, so we're going to go with it.  Scout is moving to Santa Cruz, and she and her mom stopped here on their drive from MT.  It was SOOOOO good to see them and hang out, even for a short while.  Another happy note is that they hubby and I had a really really nice anniversary.  We saw La Cage aux Folies (play The Birdcage is based on) and had dinner with some friends of ours.  The friends got us a beautiful cake, and we had a lovely day despite having some car trouble that caused us to be late to the play.  Since the play is about a club featuring drag queens, I give you these:

These are insane!  Kind of cool from an art perspective, but as shoes?  Damn.

On August 31 Laughter turned 4!

Her birthday party colors were lime green and red.  I wish she could have had these shoes for the party.  Although what she did have was a top hat on a headband.  Yeah, she's quirky and adorable.

The nieces started school:  Senior, Freshman, 6th grade and 3rd grade.  Flower got new shoes:

Look how cute they are.  She has very good taste in shoes.

The auntie had an interview and also got new shoes:

She said they have a small wedge.  Very professional, but also very cute.  Her interview was in Helena, and it would be soooo awesome if she got it and moved back to Montana.  Send happy thoughts to the capitol!

And of course, the PF has been awesome as always:

I don't know exactly where to wear this pair of shoes.  Wedding? Prom?  Grocery shopping?  At any rate, I love it.

There you go.  The last couple of weeks smooshed into a Friday night post.


  1. Of course you should wear the last pair grocery shopping with your best jeans and a lovely lace tee shirt. ME
