Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Inbox Purge

First, let me say thank you for all of your lovely comments about the pictures in last night's post.  I  never feel like I have a good eye for photography.  Last night the pictures just came naturally, though, and I had fun stacking up books and deciding which shoe to go with the stack.  Maybe the key is that for once I didn't over-think things.

So today I finally got around to cleaning out my email inbox.  I used to be really organized about this and never had more emails in the inbox than I could see in one screen shot.  I think I had over 300 to go through this time.  The fun (and slightly embarrassing) thing about this process was finding a whole slew of pins the Pinterest Friend has sent me that I haven't featured on here.

That's just a whole lot of pink happening with those boots.  These say 80s to me, but I have no idea when they are from.

Baseball shoes.  Have I ever done a baseball post?

Do I even have to tell you how I feel about these?  One word:  shoegasm.

Love these also.  They're so dainty looking.  They say Easter shoes, or afternoon tea shoes to me.

So cute.  Hopefully the Potential Baby won't inherit my hatred of the thing between my toes.


Look how pretty this card is.  It looks kind of vintage to me, but really, what do I know?  I just guess and make stuff up.  

These remind me of the brother.  I wonder if I could get him to wear them?

Not about shoes, but definitely the theme of my childhood!

Also not shoes.  Pup holders!  My puppies would never stand for this.  Actually they would.  They would stand for it, then run around and jump all over the car because they aren't banished to the backseat like usual.


Sooooo cute.  They just made my ovaries contract.

LOVE these.  I'm actually pretty sure I've used some of these before, but I can't remember, don't feel like taking the time to look, and figure if they're pretty why not look at them again?

That PF is awesome, isn't she?  If you are the praying sort, you might pray for discernment for them.  They're trying to figure out things in Idaho and whether or not they might have to come back to California for awhile.  They're good peeps and they deserve good stuff.

Finally, speaking of prayers:  The hubby's sister was diagnosed with shingles this week.  She is in major pain but still trying to go to work.  I still haven't met her, but even I could tell how much pain she was in on the phone today.  I know she would appreciate your prayers.

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