Thursday, September 25, 2014

Poor Hubby

It was a rough day for the hubby.  He had his permanent crown put on this morning and was in some pretty major pain when the numbness wore off and before the ibuprofen kicked in.  Thankfully after that and a nap he felt a lot better.  Then he was really sweet and made me dinner tonight, but wasn't thinking and grabbed a pan he had just taken out of a 500 degree oven.  More ibuprofen and a bag of ice to hold to keep the pain at bay.  I think he's sleeping now, which should help.  The only thing we did today that didn't hurt the man was go to Staples.  We didn't buy anything but we did have a very romantic time looking at window envelopes.  We're crazy like that.  So we're taking the non-painful part of the day for tonight's shoes:

If I were a teacher I would definitely wear these.

Of course I would have to find a shoe tape dispenser.  This one is different than a lot of the other ones I've seen.  I like that it's a sassy red.

Speaking of red.  How fun is this?  It looks like a normal stapler when it's laying down.  Looks like a crazy uncomfortable high heel standing up.

It's not office supplies, but it could be.  I wonder if I could convince the hubby I need this in our bathroom? 

Pencil cases!  I might have to find these and buy them for all the nieces.

Holy fancy office equipment, Batman.  This actually kind of cracks me up.  I like it and at the same time it makes me roll my eyes.  Do I really need sparkly office supplies?

I might need some pencil shaped erasers, but this kind never actually work.  They're cute but they always end up smearing rather than erasing.  At least that was the case in my day.  You know, back in the Dark Ages.

I'm sure I could have taken MUCH better notes in college if I'd had this notebook.

I saw several of these in different patterns.  I think it's actually a shoe with stuff shoved in it.  I don't have any booties, but I like this.

So, office supplies and shoes.  Now I guess I just need an office again.


  1. Or maybe just a boat load of fun supplies. Then you could play office like you used too when you need a reading break. Tell your spouse I hope he feels better. ME

    1. I'd forgotten about that! I was a weird kid, wasn't I?

  2. Well if you were you were in good company. I remember playing office when I was a kid. That may have been what we were playing when your Aunty broke the window with the broom. ME
