Tuesday, September 9, 2014


The hubby is taking some online classes to finish up a degree he started awhile ago but had to quit due to a variety of reasons.  (Seriously, working 40 hours a week and commuting 6 hours a day isn't enough for the man??)  His current class is basic math, which is ridiculous because he has a business degree and started out his career as an accountant.  But those credits don't transfer.  Clearly their logic is not like our earth logic.  At any rate, I've been doing some of the assignments with him, just to see how much I remember.  The answer is:  Not much.  I did well in math in both High School and College.  I got a B in geometry in High School, which pissed me off to no end, but I got As otherwise.  I'm pretty sure that I only remembered how to do things long enough to complete homework, quizzes and tests, though, because I am not doing so well right now.  Good thing I'm not the one taking the class, or my GPA would be in trouble and the perfectionist in me would be annoyed. Except for the math I do everyday, I've decided I'd rather wear math than do it.

Seriously, Toms has shoes for dang near any occasion.  All of these came in a variety of colors.  I don't know what brand the middle pair is, but I like the bright colors on the black.  Those are more like Sesame Street math than the rest of the shoes.  And Sesame Street math is right up my alley.  I love to count with The Count!  1!  1 pair of shoes!  Ah ah ah...

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