Tuesday, September 9, 2014


This afternoon as I was taking out the garbage Talullah came prancing up to me with a dead mouse in her mouth.  She was soooo proud of herself.  I don't know if she killed it or just found it, but she had definitely claimed it.  Chalupa tried to take it from her a couple of times and she wasn't having any of it.  It was gross.  Poor little dead mouse.  I don't hate mice, but I don't love them either.  I don't need my dogs wandering around chewing on them, either.  I got her to drop it, locked them both in the house and used the dustpan to scoop the poor thing up and throw it in the outside garbage.  I'm sure you've already guessed that we're going with mice shoes tonight.  I just need some cuteness to help balance out the deadness of earlier.

 See?  Cute.  Not dead.  Although the puppies would be just as happy to chew on these, too.

I love these.  The colors are fun.

Baby mices!  Cute booties, but also adorable knees!

Awwww...the baby can move up to big girl mouse shoes.

Heehee.  These crack me up.

These are hysterical.  I totally want to make a pair.  I would never actually wear them, unless there was a really specific event, but I think they would be fun and hilarious to make them.

There.  I feel better.

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