Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Pumpkins Everywhere

I'm sure you've noticed that once September hits pumpkin flavors appear everywhere.  Starbucks brings back the pumpkin spice latte, in the stores I've seen pumpkin coffee creamer, pumpkin cookies, even pumpkin yogurt (which I can't bring myself to try).  Facebook even has a page titled Pumpkin Flavored Everything  I like pumpkin, but not as much as others seem to.  I've tried the latte periodically, but never more than once a Fall.  I like pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.  I'm a fan of pumpkin cake and pumpkin soups.  I rarely carve my Halloween pumpkins so I can chop them up later and make puree for the freezer.  However you feel about them, it's Pumpkin-palooza right now.  Obviously this means we need some pumpkin shoes:

Despite the decorations already out, it's not Halloween yet, so we're only going with pumpkins, nothing overtly Halloween-y. How cute are these little baby shoes?

Apparently babies are fond of dressing seasonally.

And small children, too.  I love the polka dots on the shoes and on the ribbons.

Dang, another pattern I need to find.  Actually, I think I could probably figure these out without a pattern.  Too bad I don't know any babies who need pumpkin shoes.

These crack me up.  The pumpkin shaped backs are funny enough, but I have no idea whats going on in the front.  Are they supposed to look like the roll?  Maybe they're supposed to look like Cinderella's carriage?   I'm coming down firmly on no for these.  I don't even want to wear them as a theme.

Enjoy all of the pumpkininess, however you choose to do so!

1 comment:

  1. I think your youngest niece needs the white pair of pumpkin shoes. She told me I need to buy her new pants, so maybe I should find pumpkin pants and pumpkin shoes. ME
