Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Only Cats That Don't Make Me Sneeze

SKD and I have tendency to send each other pictures of our snuggly pets.  I send her pictures of the puppies...

...and she sends me pictures of her kitties:

She also has a Chihuahua (mixed with something else) but the snuggly pictures are usually of the cats.  The hubby loathes cats.  I don't dislike cats, actually thing they're pretty cute, but they are the thing I am allergic to the most.  When I had the allergy scratch test done the cat scratch (heehee) turned into a welt that was ginormous.  But hopefully kitty shoes won't make me sneeze.

For some reason sometimes when I glance at these I think they are elephants.  So maybe not the best cat shoes int he world.

A peep toe wedge booty with cats.   That's just a little too much for me.

These scare me.  Why does that cat want to eat my liver?

Now these I think are cute.  Simple and basic.  I like 'em.

I admit it.  I love these.  I want them for Halloween.  And other days.

No.  These make me think of a crazy cat lady.

Speaking of crazy...

Hmmmm...if only I could trick the hubby into wearing these to work...

Adorable.  I would wear these on all of the days.

There are a ton of cat shoes out there.  I might have to do another post on them one of these days.  But there are no snuggling cat shoes that I could find.  More's the pity.  Now if you'll excuse me I have to go get my normally adorable and snuggly puppies to stop attempting to to rip each other's throats out.  It's like the Nature Channel in here right now.

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