Friday, September 12, 2014

Swiss Cheese Shoes

Last night I simply forgot to post, and I almost forgot again tonight. When you type in "forgetful shoes" here is what you get:

Poor, old Cyclops man seems to have forgotten his other shoe. Thankfully I've never managed to make it out of the house wearing 2 different shoes.

I swear, though, my memory is getting worse. I call it Swiss Cheese brain, and my cheese is getting holier by the day. I wish that was in the spiritual sense, but not so much.

Short of shoes actually made of Swiss Cheese (and I'm sure they're out there), this is the most literal shoe I could find. Where would one wear a cheese shoe, I wonder? Outside of Wisconsin, I mean.

These 2 are less literal, but still in the ballpark. I sort of like both, but I really don't need holes in my wedges. I would like the bottom pair better with something other than a kitten heel. And really, why do the shoes need holes like that?

This cheese has gone really, really bad. Again, they're almost cute, though.

Swiss Blue Cheese! I like these best. Yes, of course because they are blue, but I also like that they have fewer holes.

Hopefully my memory comes back to me. In the meantime, I'm going to go do some crossword puzzles and memory games...

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