Wednesday, September 10, 2014


There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to this post about unicorns.  It just popped into my head and I went off in search of shoes.  I never really went through a horse phase as a kid.  I had friends who would run around the playground with their hands in fists, pretending they were horses and those were their hooves.  I never fully understood this.  I like horses, I was just never obsessed with them.  I honestly can't remember if I even finished Black Beauty.  But, I do like rainbows, and unicorns are often associated with rainbows.  Oh!  It just occurred to me that 2 of the Madeleine L'Engle books I just read had unicorns, so maybe that's why they popped into my head.  Who knows what random stuff is floating around in there.  Let's just look at shoes, OK?

I'm not sure about the ribbon going all the way to the back, but I love the shape of these.  You know I love the color.  And the unicorns are fairly subtle.  This is not always the case.

Are these unicorns?  These might just be horses, or there might be a teeny tiny horn on those heads somewhere.  I would never wear these, even though they're blue.  I'm just not fond of this style of bootie.

These are insane.  So I'm sure you won't be surprised when I tell you that they are Irregular Choice.  I'm pretty sure their designers are on drugs...

No wait, THESE are insane.  All I can think to say about this is WHAT THE HELL?  Actually, I can think of a few other things but they are really rude and judgmental.

These just look like unicorn-fairy land threw up on a pair of shoes.

Awwww.  These I'd wear.  You know, if I was a baby.

Speaking of babies...I just thought you might want to end on an adorable note.  I worry about her parents, but the baby is still adorable.

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