Monday, October 13, 2014

A Different Holiday

Happy Thanksgiving!  No, I haven't completely lost my mind (yet).  Today is Thanksgiving in Canada.  today in the US it's Columbus/Indigenous Peoples day, and I'm just not going to go there.  I have very definite opinions, but I'm not going on a rant tonight.  Instead, we'll borrow from the Canadians.  Actually, shoe-wise, I'm going less with the holiday and more with Canada itself.  OK, all Canada, no Thanksgiving.

These are cute.  I'm not Canadian, obviously, but I would wear these.

Pretty much the same, just reverse.  (Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious).  I actually like the first combination a little better.

This is not good.  They took what could have been a cute shoe and made it really clunky.

Much better.  The heel is still a bit clunky, but these are really cute.  Canadian female flight attendants should wear these. :-)

Awww...for cute little Canadian babies.  Technically, ugly Canadian babies could wear these, too.  But really, 99.9% of babies are cute even when they are ugly.

Oh man, now I want not just a baby, but a Canadian one, so he or she could have this outfit!

So, Canada actually works today.  You know, it's Fall, their flag has maple leaves.  It's all good.  Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!

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