Sunday, October 12, 2014

More Book Inspired Shoes

The hubby and I have been listening to a series of audiobooks about a boy named Artemis Fowl.  Artemis is a morally questionable character, which is weird for a main character.  Not to give you too much information (we're on book 3, so there is a lot of story), Artemis gets involved in the world of fairies.  This is right up my alley as I love fantasy books.  One of my favorite characters is a dwarf named Mulch.  He has a...unique set of skills that are highly useful in all of Artemis' schemes.  He's also hilarious.  Anyhoo, since I've already done fairy shoes, and since I like Mulch so much, tonight's post will be about dwarf shoes.

Why do people keep making shoes where we have to stand on the heads of some little creature?   Poor little dwarfs surely didn't do anything to deserve to be stood upon.

Sigh.  Although the actual shoe is pretty cute.  And I guess the dwarf looks fairly happy to have his head stepped on?

I couldn't find a picture with the top of the shoe, but I had to include these as they are from our odd friends over at Irregular Choice.  They're called Iced.  Soooo...what does that have to do with the dwarf?

Of course I couldn't do this post without including  the Seven Dwarfs from Snow White!  Which one is your favorite?  I rather like Dopey and Grumpy myself.

And finally, Gimli, the dwarf from Lord of the Rings, another of my favorite fantasy series.  (he's up there in the top right corner, in case you weren't sure)  These are all fun, but the Gollum one completely creeps me out.

Happy reading/listening!

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