Saturday, October 11, 2014


This past week has been full of celebrations in my family.  Wednesday was Flower's baptismal anniversary, Thursday was Dad's birthday, and Friday was the seester's and brother-in-law's anniversary.  So it was a Baptismabirthiversary week! Originally I had planned to post each day, for each celebration.  But that didn't happen, obviously.  So here are some shoes for each day:

Flower was almost 3 when she was baptized, so she didn't wear tiny, crocheted baby shoes.  I just couldn't resist these.  Flower's shoes were pretty darn cute, though.

You might not be able to tell, but these are silver and sparkly!  I was a very proud auntie/slash godmother, but not only for her shoes.

These are the shoes I wore, in case you were curious.  When I first posted these, I wrote that I wore them for the Bean's baptism, but I actually bought them on internship, so that was post Bean baptism.

This is actually a cake.  I can't quite picture my dad buying a shoe like this, although I think he could rock it if he did.  But since it was his birthday, here is a celebratory cake for him.  I think he said they were having a family dinner tonight.  This is one of those times when I definitely miss living closer and being able to be part of stuff like that.  The hubby and I did have dinner with our neighbor tonight, but it's not quite the same thing even though it was quite lovely.  Oh well.  Happy birthday, Pop!

Yesterday was the seester's and brother-in-law's 22nd wedding anniversary.  They are exactly 20 years ahead of the hubby and me in that department.  According to the internet (which of course is NEVER wrong...), the 22nd anniversary gift is copper.  This picture said this shoe was a copper wedding shoe, so that seemed appropriate.  It also would have looked fab with their wedding colors.  Sadly I can't remember what the seester's shoes were for the wedding.  I know mine were black, and I might have a picture somewhere, but I don't have the energy to go searching for it.

Oh man, I really think my brother-in-law needs these.  He'd never ever wear them, but he still needs them.  I think these are awesome. 

Happy Baptismabirthiversary, Flower, Dad, Seester, and Brother-in-law!


  1. The birthday dinner was great, even if your brother did have to barbeque in the rain. Can you believe your dad picked hamburgers? We, however, did miss you! We had spareribs and sauerkraut on Thurs. Big surprise there right? ME

    1. I asked him on his birthday what he had for dinner, realized as I asked that it was a silly question and said spare ribs and sauerkraut in unison with him.
