Monday, October 6, 2014


I don't know if this post is literally a mishmash because it's not completely random, but the theme is fairly loose.  I'll start with a fact that is probably going to make me even weirder in your eyes, but oh well.  Soooo, I have a different coffee cup for every month.  Yes.  A different cup.  Every month.  Most often it ties in with the theme I've decorated our mantel with.  October, obviously is Halloween, so I've had this cute cup for a couple of years:

She's goofy and adorable, and I love her.  And then I saw this:

I shouldn't have bought it.  I already had my cute little witch cup.  But I caved.  It's just too perfect with the witch shoes and the stripes and the polka dots.  I won't ignore my first cup (I would hate to have her curse me) but I couldn't resist adding this one to my collection.

Obviously this has nothing to do with cups or witches (although maybe a witch would wear these?  No...these would be for a sorceress).  But, a lovely friend posted this on my Facebook page and I almost forgot I had it.  Bad blogger!  Sorry, lovely friend, I wasn't deliberately ignoring your contribution.  These are crazy and they scare me a little bit.  Some dark magic is at work in these shoes.  They might sacrifice something later.

Again, nothing to do with anything, except a rather loose association with Halloween.  These are from my cousin and they are steampunk.  They make me think of Halloween because they are black and because that cat might be possessed.  Actually, I think it's more likely a witch's familiar.

So after all of that I went looking for more randomly associated pictures.  I'm thinking a nicer sorceress would wear these.

Another cat.  This cat is kind of cute, but the pumpkin might be evil.

Whoa.  Saucy, possibly slutty, sorceress.

Bat shoes!  Because bat rhymes with cat...?  Whatever, these make me smile.

This is just the beginning of the October/Halloween shoe posts, so feel free me to send me inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Stack them and you'll almost have a whole witch. Plus you'll get twice as much coffee that way. ME
