Sunday, October 5, 2014

Think Pink

As I was watching football this morning... Oh, who am I kidding?  As the hubby was watching and I was ignoring football this morning, I glanced up and saw the pink.  Oh, right, it's October, so the teams wear various bits of pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  I'm not a huge fan of pink, but rather appreciate it during October, and the pink was quite a nice pop of color with the various uniforms.  I didn't do a whole post on Breast Cancer Awareness last year, but did mention it briefly in one post.  Between the pink and the following picture, I decided I needed to do a post this year:

Heehee.  So true!  Remember, early detection is key, so make sure to take care of your girls.  Yes, it involves rather unpleasant squishing, but it's not the worst thing in the world.  And it's not like it happens every day.  I turn 40 in April next year and will have the joy of getting regular mammograms.  I've had one already, this is why I can say it's not that bad without being a hypocrite.  In case you need more reminders:

How cool are these?  (insert snarky comment about the thing between the toes)  I would totally want these for a dress up function for breast cancer.

Not so much these. Definitely too much pink.  But some people like pink, so more power to them.

These are the shoes for a more casual function.  Like cheering on the people doing the 3 day walk for breast cancer, like my awesome aunt has done twice.

Or these!  And for some reason this crazy amount of pink doesn't bother me. Who knows what goes on in my weird brain.  I certainly don't.

I LOVE this heel.  How clever is that?  Now I would need 2 dress up functions to attend.

For you lovers of the flip flops.  Look how cozy they are with their furry bottoms.  Still, no thank you.

And of course, the rain boot.  This is for when you are cheering people on in the rain.  Or for some reason tromping around in a cow pasture.  I don't know why you'd be tromping in a cow pasture for breast cancer awareness, but fundraisers come in all shapes and sizes, so it's best to be prepared with properly themed footwear. 

I have a friend who owns this shirt and is several years out from being a breast cancer survivor.  I don't want to have the right to wear this shirt, but I applaud those who can, and who can instill a bit of humor into the experience.  I also mourn those who never got a chance to wear this shirt.  So, women, take care of your breasts.  Men, encourage your women to take care of their breasts, and take care of your own as breast cancer can, in fact, occur in males.  One of my beloved seminary professors had it.  Everyone, just take care of your chestular areas, OK?

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