Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Commandment Breaking

Yep.  It's that time of year when I break the commandments against coveting even more than I normally do.  I love love love boots, and I see them everywhere right now.  So I covet.  It doesn't matter that I own multiple pairs of boots that I love.  I want more.  I want them all.  Well, mostly.  I'm not so sure about the over the knee trend, and there are a few other styles that I'm not overly fond of, but for the most part I covet.

You might be shocked, but I'm totally loving the flatter boots this year.  I keep seeing adorable riding boots like these and wanting them.

Once again.  Flat.  Riding boot.  Buckles.  Yes, please.

OK, a little heel.  I haven't totally gone away from a love of heels.  I love the 2 tone on these.

This is an example of the over the knee style.  You can't really tell in this picture, but those heels are HIGH.  From some of the other angles I was pretty sure I would break my neck trying to wear these.

See?  Another heel.  These are simple and classy and why why why can't I win the lottery and just buy boots?


Also over the knee.  But I might forgive them as they are really cute.

This color is called Pinot Noir.  Seems appropriate considering I live in wine country.

Oh my goodness.  This post could have gone on for miles, but I decided to stop.  This way I can do more boot posts with all those other, covetable boots out there!  Now, if you'll excuse me I have some lottery tickets to purchase.  And by purchase I mean go to bed and dream about winning the lottery and buying boots.

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