Monday, November 10, 2014

Rubber Duckies

Whew, it's been a crazy week.  The accident happened on Tuesday.  Wednesday was pretty much taken up dealing with the insurance company, the tow truck, the rental car place, etc.  Blah.  The insurance totaled my car, which wasn't much of a surprise, but it did make me sad.  My little Hermione has been good to me.  We drove from Montana to Pennsylvania and back for internship, from Montana to Berkeley and back for my last semester of seminary, and lots of other road trips.  Thursday was more car related stuff and errands for the hubby's newest project.  Friday we spent 3 1/2 hours at The Home Depot buying and hauling stuff for said project.  Saturday we poured concrete.  10 hours, 57 bags of concrete, and 4 trips to Home Depot later, we had the slab done.  Sunday the hubby started building while I ran some errands and made more trips to Lowe's and Home Depot.  Finally, today, we bought a new (to us) car and did all the "fun" stuff like going to the DMV.  I'm tired, y'all.

More on the car in a later post.  Since I'm tired, I'm going to do a light and fluffy post.  I mentioned decorating the mantel awhile back.  It's a long-ish story, but I've acquired quite the collection of rubber duckies, including ones for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  Here are the Halloween and Thanksgiving ones:

 Yeah, I know they're totally silly, but they make me smile, and they look cute around the house during the holidays.  You know I went looking for rubber ducky shoes, right?

So bright and fun and cheerful.

Man these are bright.  They're almost emergency vehicle yellow.  Add the pink in there and these could stop traffic.  Maybe not in a good way.

The slippers are adorable, but  the chubby legs are even cuter.

Cute.  I'm pretty sure they're kid shoes, but I'd wear them.

Um...even strippers like rubber duckies?

So fun for puddle stomping!

Warm and fuzzy duckies!

This looks like either a claw machine or a ball pit.

Oh dear.  Poor duckies with the  crazy eyes.

PB  needs these, of course.

Ahhhh...that was helpful.  I'm still tired, but this was so much more enjoyable than all the other stuff I've been doing for most of the week.  Also, I'm now singing this in my head:

Ernie!  Definitely a lovely stress reliever.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for getting rubber ducky stuck in my head! I like the high tops and the rain boots. ME
