Monday, November 3, 2014


Tonight I switched out Halloween for Thanksgiving.  Yes, there IS a holiday between Halloween and Christmas.  Not that you would guess that from the stores and commercials.  Anyhoo.  I took down the Halloween decorations and put up the Thanksgiving decorations.  In honor of Thanksgiving and November, tonight's shoes are all orange and green.  This post is also a shout out to SKD who loves both orange and green.

These aren't tennies I would choose for myself, but they are bright and fun, and I think SKD actually has tennies in a similar color combination.

These don't look green to me, although they were labeled so, but whatever the non-orange color is , I love this shoe.

These, not so much.  Maybe if the heel wasn't yellow, the pink bow was gone, and the platform was a little more proportional.  So, basically if it were a different pair of shoes, apparently.

These are so crazy that they're awesome.  They were listed as prom shoes.  They were not listed as retro.  I kind of love them.  I think I used to have sheets in that pattern...

Wow.  I like them?  Or not?  They're definitely cool.  I almost definitely wouldn't buy them.

Eek!  These would be so much better without the spikes.  Not perfect, but soooo much better.

Awwww.  PB needs these, too.

AND these!

These are kiddo shoes, but I would wear them.  I like them better than the first, adult pair.  The PB could have these when s/he gets older.

Happy November.  Please don't neglect Thanksgiving.

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