Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I Voted

My Facebook newsfeed today was full of people posting that they had voted.  Did you?  I did not.  At least not today.  The hubby and are permanent absentee voters, which means we get the ballot mailed to us and we fill them out and mail them back.  I like it because I can look up information as I'm voting.  I also like it because I can vote in my pj's!

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, there are shoes for you!  If the animals were on opposing shoes, you could get one of each and be bi-partisan in your footwear.

Pretty much speaks for itself, eh?

Holy crap, no.  Patriotism just ran away screaming.

Another good choice for voting shoes.  Or the 4th of July.  Or Thursday.  You know, whatever.

I should like these.  They are simple and stripey.  But they're just slightly off for me.  Still, they are certainly someone's taste, and that someone should wear them to vote.
Sparkly!  For the woman who wants her calves, ankles and, butt to look good while she votes.  My extremities would have to find another asset as these are stupid slingbacks.

For the patriotic baby!  PB will wear these while we vote in our pj's.

What shoes did you wear while voting?  I don't remember, which is crazy, but I think I voted barefoot.  Hey, if I can preach without shoes, surely I can vote the same way!

In non-election news, today I got a lovely massage from an even lovelier friend, got my allergy shots, had coffee with a friend, and got into a car accident.  I'm OK, the people in the other car are OK, their car has some minor damage to the bumper.  My little car got smooshed.  The hubby, our neighbor, and the tow truck guy all said the damage wasn't that bad, just the hood, grill and radiator, but they also speculated that the insurance company might total it anyway because of its age (9 1/2 years) and its mileage (120,000+ miles).  I guess I'll find out tomorrow when the insurance person comes out.  I'm just SO pissed at myself right now.  Poor little car.  And I pretty much completely negated the effects of that lovely massage.  Sigh.

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