Monday, November 24, 2014

Ooooh....A Giftie!

Today was another lovely, somewhat lazy day.  I actually got quite a bit accomplished, but didn't get out of my pjs for most of the day.  The Bean and her best friend, The VH came for awhile after school, but for most of the day it was just Mom and Dad and me.   Yesterday was busier.  Sadly the BFF and nephew had to go home.  Rude!  I did get to ride the first 45 minutes of her 4 hour drive with her, though, so that helped.  She dropped me off at the church where I did was the supply pastor while waiting for my first call.  So, counting the funeral, I've been to church 3 times in a week!  Definitely a new record for the last 6 months.  It's a small church.  I think there were about 12 or 13 of us all together, but it was nice to see people again, and chat with their new pastor for a bit.  After church a friend of mine took me to lunch and then drove me home, so we got to spend several hours together.  It's always nice to be able to catch up with her since I don't see her every time I come to Montana.  We'll call her the JVLC Friend.  And the JVLC Friend gave me a present!  She's nice that way.  She found it while she was shopping and decided that I needed it:

Isn't she sweet?  It's a shoe, it's sparkly, it's blue!  So, of course I went in search of more, and there are a ton out there, but here is a selection.

Oooh....look!  A way I can finally wear slingbacks!

I'm not much of a pink fan, but I like this.  It's a pink sapphire, and I have a soft spot for sapphires.

Simple but sparkly.

Completely sparkly!

No.  I guess it's a cute sort of idea, a necklace made of Barbie shoes, but unless a small child made it for me, I wouldn't actually wear it.

I like this one a lot because of the detail.  

So there you have it.  Shoe necklaces.  Thank you to the JVLC Friend for the gift AND the inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Some of those look like you might actually be able to stand in them. ME
