Saturday, November 22, 2014

Nephew Inspiration

So far I've been busier on vacation than I have been at home in the last few months.  I've spent 2 night at my seester's, hanging out with Flower and Laughter.  I went to church at my first call congregation and have had coffee with 2 wonderful women from that church.  On a sad note, I attended the funeral of a man also from my first call.  He was one of my favorite people there, and he and his wife were always so sweet and caring, not just to me, but to everyone.  He was also the great-uncle to some of my dear friends from high school (small world).  The Bean and I made some really disgustingly delicious chocolate peanut butter cookies the other night.  I got to hang out with Tink and Pippi on Tuesday for a couple of hours.  And now the BFF and the nephew have been here since Friday afternoon, and The Bean is also spending the weekend.  It's been a good week and has gone too fast, like all weeks in Montana seem to go.  The nephew is currently hanging out in his Spiderman pjs watching Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 before going to bed.  So in his honor, here is a selection of Spiderman shoes.

These kind of scare me, actually.  I know Spiderman's eyes look like this, but these shoes just look mean.

I like these a lot, even if they do have a giant-ass spider on them.

Awwww.  The nephew needs these.



Eeek...mean baby shoes.

Mean but snuggly slippers.

I like these better, of course, because of all the blue.

Sadly the BFF and the nephew have to go home tomorrow.  They never get to stay long enough, in my opinion.  I shall enjoy them while I can, so I must go now.

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