Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Bean's Extradordinary Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies

Another day of sleeping in (but not spending nearly as much time in my pjs).  Today I got to hang out with Pippi and Tink, which is always awesome.  They are getting so big!  Tink is in kindergarten and Pippi is in 2nd grade.  Neither had homework tonight, but both wanted me to print out math and handwriting worksheets for them.  Then I had to grade them.  They both got 100% on the ones that I graded, and no I wasn't being kind.  They really are brilliant!  The Bean had to do actual science homework tonight and she was less than thrilled.  After dinner the Bean and I decided to try a new cookie recipe.  It had peanut butter, cocoa powder, peanut butter chips, chocolate chips, and Reese's peanut butter and chocolate minis.  Oh yeah, no calories there.  They turned out pretty well, and we had fun making them.  Tonight's post is named after what we named them.  Non-sequiter:  did I mention that both The Bean and Double A are only about 2 inches shorter than me now?  It's so weird to be able to basically look them in the eye.  So, I know I've already done cookie shoes, but in honor of tonight's successful cookie experiment, I'm going to do some more.

I love how detailed these are.  I'm not sure I would have the patience or the talent to accomplish this.

With this shape you could make a bunch of different kinds of shoes.  From how these look, I think you could also do wedges and booties.  Notice I said you, not I.

For your more casual shoe cookie occasions.

These are "felt wool baby shoes with wool buttercream cookie buckles."  The booties are actually cute, but who thought they needed buttercream cookie buckles?  Weird.

Hmmmm...stocking stuffer?

These are even weirder than the first set of baby shoes.  Maybe if they were part of a Halloween costume?  Or you were celebrating Chinese New Year?  (celebrating in an American way, since fortune cookies aren't actually Chinese)  Should we have gotten a pair of these for Flower when she was a baby?

I've also done Cookie Monster shoes before, and maybe even these, but they are so cute, and must be posted.  I do love me some Sesame Street.

On a final note:  It's definitely winter in Montana.  I've only been here 3 days and my nose is already starting to dry out and bleed, and my skin is insanely dry.  Go, little humidifier, go!

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