Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Did you wear jeans today?  Because it's Denim Day!  I didn't know this until a few minutes ago, so I did not wear jeans.  Plus, it was too hot to wear jeans, so I will just look at denim shoes:

These are awful.  Why are these?

And yet, that top pair is a million times better than this pair.  DIY is not always a good idea.

Much better.

Are these actually denim?  I think they're just blue, but they have denim-y elements, and they're cute.

Super cute!  Obviously not with jeans, but with a fun skirt, definitely.


I actually kind of like these, although I have no idea what I would wear them with.

This one is my favorite!  Yes, please.

So I failed on wearing denim on Denim Day, but it was still a pretty darn good day.  The puppies and I met a friend this morning to go for a walk, which meant all kinds of new places to sniff. Then this afternoon we met SKD to celebrate her birthday (which was a week ago), and got to hang out at a lovely lake.  They love their Auntie SKD, and we had lots of fun exploring.  The dogs had lots of fun attempting to eat goose poop while SKD and I had less fun trying to stop them.  But look how sweet they are:

Squirrel!  You should have seen how high Chalupa managed to actually run up that tree.  But the squirrel could climb higher and thus was safe from the wee beasts.