Monday, April 27, 2015


I posted on Facebook tonight that my dad is in the hospital overnight for observation.  Apparently his heart rate was over 140 this afternoon and he was dizzy.  It happened a couple of weeks ago also, and the Dr. wasn't concerned but told him to come in if it happened again.  The man drove himself to the hospital, but at least he went (eye roll).  He's probably horrified that I posted and am writing about it now because he's "fine," but 1. he's my daddy and I love him and worry about him, and 2. it's a tiny town so probably everyone already knows where he is and why anyway.  The hubby isn't feeling well today, either.  He's got a cold so he's sneezing and coughing and generally miserable.  He just took some Nyquil and basically passed out, so I'm hoping he gets some really good sleep tonight.  And poor Chalupa has allergies, I think.  He sneezes all the time (which is actually kind of adorable, but as an allergy sufferer myself, I still feel bad for him).  Oh, and Bulbasaur is molting so he looks terrible.  My boys are having a rough day.  Hopefully everyone will feel better tomorrow.

So at my birthday party I was excited to see a couple from St. Someone's that I hadn't seen in over a year.  It was great to see them and catch up a little.  They hadn't met the dogs yet, and she asked me what their names were.  I told her Chalupa Batman and Tallulah Cooper.  Then she wanted to know what we call them for short and was less than impressed when I said Chalupa and Tallulah.  Apparently that's just too much.  She said she would call them Choo Choo and Lulu.  Which actually makes me giggle.  The hubby said no.  The hubby has no sense of adventure.  It did inspire me to go look for some Lulu and Choo Choo shoes.

These are all Lulu Townsend shoes.  They all look like bridesmaid shoes to me, but I'm not holding that against them.   The blue is my favorite, of course, but I actually like them all, with the exception of the wedges.  If they had a different heel I would really like them, but I'm not a fan of that type of wedge.  I like all of the dainty flower details.

I thought about doing Jimmy Choos for Choo Choo, but decided choo choo train shoes were more fun.  Also, I think these are more representative of Chalupa.  They're fun, a little quirky, and all boy.  Tallulah's shoes work too:  dainty and sweet.  At least I got to find some cute shoes from the nicknames we won't be using.  

I'm taking my headache to bed  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for my boys.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I like all of the heels this time. ME
