Monday, May 25, 2015


Sigh.  I need to vent a little.  Today I've been grumpy, sad, disheartened, and angry by turns.  The sinus infection doesn't help (massive pressure, but nothing is coming out, even with the neti pot), but I feel like I lost a little faith in humanity today.  I'm not going to go into details, but I don't understand why people feel they can say anything they want to anyone they want.  The circumstances are something that I should be able to shake off, but for whatever reason today I just can't.  I don't like feeling like I'm back in high school with passive aggressive people.  Added to this is the fact that I've been told more than once in the last couple of weeks that I kind of suck as a human being, and I'm just having a massively pissy kind of day.  Puppy snuggles are only making a tiny dent in my mood, so I'm not even sure shoes can cheer me up at this point.  I'm going to give it a shot.

Lots of my favorite things:  polka dots, stripes, plaid, wedges, baby shoes, dragonflies.  But, eh.  Only marginally improved the mood.  I'll have to revisit them in a better mood so I can enjoy them more. 

I hope your Memorial Day was more enjoyable than mine.  I'm making some tea, taking a mindless book and some puppies, and going to bed.

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