Sunday, May 24, 2015


Oh my is World Tiara Day!  I wish I'd known this before so I could have had a tiara tea party.  I could have gone home and one with the nieces, or invited friends over and made the hubby serve us tea and cookies.  Tiara tea parties are a tradition in my family.  I don't even remember when or why we started, but we put on tiaras (Mom has a selection), use a fun tea pot from Mom's collection, and eat cookies (usually).  We speak with totally phony accents, hold our tea cups with our pinkies out, and generally act silly.  Mom gets to be the queen and the rest of us are princesses or duchesses or something else fancy.  Are we dorks?  Why yes we are.  We are also awesome.  See?

DJ wasn't in a tiara mood that day, and Pippi is holding hers rather than wearing it, but you get the idea.  I am so not a princess kind of girl generally, it's just for tea parties, but I do kind of have a secret love of tiaras.  And we all know of my love of shoes, so here are some combinations of the 2:

Boring color (I know, this shoe would be fabulous with certain outfits), but the tiara shoe clip is fun.

Whoa...sparkly! tiara shoes.

More sparkles!  I like the fancy shoelaces.

Is that like a giraffe print?  I like the tiara detail, though.  My main question is this:  why can't there be another color besides pink?  Yes, tiaras are girly, but girls can wear other colors.  I bet even princesses can wear other colors.

Happy World Tiara Day!  I'm thinking I need to be home next year on May 24th so we can have a fabulous tiara tea party.  I'm also thinking I better start writing this stuff down since I keep making potential future plans...

1 comment:

  1. We are the most awesome fun dorks you'll ever meet! I think Laughter needs the Lilli Kelly's and Flower needs the pink tiara pair. ME
