Saturday, May 23, 2015

World Turtle Day

Have I told you lately how awesome my mama is?  After reading the patchwork post the other night she went online and ordered me these:

I got them yesterday, how fun are they?  She's the bestest.  Oh, and speaking of patchwork and mamas, my mama--in-law got her afghan and loved it.  Yay!  

Since my last post was already about patchwork, we'll move on for tonight.  Did you know that today was World Turtle Day?  Now you do!  Which means turtle shoes!

Oh my goodness.  Turtle slippers for the puppies!  Also, it's my duty as the puppy mama to say that my puppies are cuter, even this one is no slouch in the cute department.  My puppies might have to get turtle slippers for Christmas/birthday.

And Mom and Dad could have slippers, too!

This is just adorable.  I think I might love turtle shoes.

These are like a preschool art project.  And yet?  Still adorable.

This seals it.  I need kids to go with the puppies and the whole family needs turtle shoes.

Yep. Family turtle shoes.  Need them.

In other news, I had a Skype interview today with a church.  It went fairly well, I think, despite all of my anxiety dreams beforehand.  They seem very nice, their paperwork was actually kind of exciting to me, and now we'll see.  They're kind of far away in terms of commuting, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  First I have to see if they want a second interview (they have 7 people total to interview), and then who knows?

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