Monday, June 8, 2015


Today was Best Friend Day, so obviously tonight's shoes will all be purple in honor of the BFF:

The last 2 are way more the BFF's style (in fact I think she actually has that pair of Birkenstocks, or a pair very similar).  She's not a crazy shoe person like I am, but that's OK as I love her anyway.  She can always make me laugh no matter how crappy I'm feeling, she knows me inside and out (which is why she's stuck being my BFF...she knows too much for me to let her go), we have our own language, love the same movies, have the same mad love for the Beatles. and have a million inside jokes that aren't funny to anyone but us.  I don't need a day to remind me how lucky I am to have her as my BFF, but it's still nice to get to celebrate.

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