Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Day Late and a Doughnut Short

I can't believe yesterday was National Doughnut Day and I didn't post!  And the Pinterest Friend even sent me doughnut shoes, and I still didn't post!  I'll just post them tonight and we'll pretend it's still doughnut day:

She found such cute ones, it would be rude not to post them, even if I am late.

I'm super tired again tonight (last night too, which is why no post).  It's actually for a good reason:  I've been trying to take the puppies for a walk every day, and have been doing pretty well at being consistent.  Yesterday and today, though, after their walk I went back out and walked 4-5 miles both days.  It felt good, but dang is it making me tired!  I am seriously out of shape.  So, since I'm tired and a little loopy, instead of writing more, I'm going to let you peruse some of the other selections the PF has sent me recently but I haven't gotten around to posting.  Enjoy!

Thanks, PF!  Good night, all!

1 comment:

  1. Strange shoes, although I do like the pink sprinkle ones. ME
