Friday, June 5, 2015

Congratulations, Graduate!

DJ graduated from high school tonight!  I so wanted to be there, and am bummed that it didn't work out, but I am soooo proud of her!  She leaves soon to spend the summer working in Virginia City, MT, and then she heads to boot camp for the navy in September (she wants to be a nurse!).  The brother sent me a picture of her with her diploma, and The Bean posted some pictures to Facebook, so that made me happy to get to see her smiling face.

To me, graduation gowns are kind of like albs.  The only thing that differentiates you are your shoes, so you might as well wear something fun and/or funky!  Let's look at some examples.

See?  Festive and informative!

These aren't shoes I would necessarily choose for myself, but they certainly aren't boring, and they definitely catch the eye.

Again, not a style  I might choose, but I do love the color choice.

These are my kind of girls.  Fun shoes, and they posed for a shoe picture!  Also, the picture was taken in Billings, MT, proving that Montana girls rock.

I'm not sure I've ever seen brown graduation robes, but this picture proves a point.  The black shoes?  Kind of boring.  But the gold and pink shoes pop.

Sparkly and color coordinated.  I like this woman!

Wow.  I've actually posted these shoes before, but here they are out in the wild!  That is one patriotic grad.  They aren't my style, but you can't say she didn't put some thought into her shoe choice.

So what did DJ wear to her graduation?

Kick-ass, boots.  That's what.  Hers are the feet in the middle  The other feet in the picture belong to Double A (red dress, brown boots), their little brother (blurry blue crocs), their mom (brown Mary Janes), and The Bean (gold flats and jeans).  Now added to the list of why I'm proud of her, we can add that she wore make-a-statement shoes with her graduation gown!  I, on the other hand, did not.  I wore brown sandals, nothing fancy.  I didn't walk for my college graduation, and while I looked for seminary graduation, all I could find were kind of boring white shoes.  

Congrats, again, oldest niece!  You did it!

1 comment:

  1. The boots DJ wore were her maternal great grandfather's and she loves them even if they are several sizes too large. ME
