Wednesday, June 24, 2015


One of the things we did when Double A and The Bean were here was go to one of those paint your own pottery places.  Those little buggers are really creative and talented, and I'll show you their stuff after they get it.  It wasn't done being fired before they left, so I had to pick it up and mail it to them.  Double A wasn't sure she wanted to see a picture before seeing the actual final product, so I'll just wait a bit.  I can show you what I made, though:

It's a little sleeping gecko.  It has to be asleep as there was no way I could accomplish eyes.  The eyelashes were almost too much for my feeble skills.   I like the way she turned out, and it was fun to hang out with the girls (and Dad...not sure how much fun he had), and do something creative.

Here are some gecko shoes to go with my gecko plant hugger.

I think I've shown these before, but they're still cute.  Plus, blue and green, how can you go wrong?

I think these are cute, but they also remind me weirdly of armadillos.

I am frightened. Hey, JG, here are some black sandals for you!

Adorable.  And a little mischievous looking.

Less adorable, but I like their tails.

Are these cross-stitched?  I think they might be.  Hmmm...who could I make cross-stitched gecko shoes for?

This is actually purse material, but how cute is it?  This would make cute shoes.  Or a skirt.  Or a purse, obviously.

Now I must go water plants so my little gecko continues to have somewhere to live.

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