Thursday, June 25, 2015


The Camp Friend posted this rather interesting picture to my facebook wall this morning:

 This shoe is insane and also awesome.  I'm not sure how it stays on your foot so you can walk, but it's definitely one of the more unique shoes I've seen.  And I like the colors, of course.  So obviously I had to go in search of more octopus-inspired shoes.

I love the turquoise heel and the double strap.  I love the black with the other colors on the shoe, and the shoes are kind of cool, but also kind of creepy at the same time.

Not creepy at all.  Cute.

Kind of cute?  Also kind of weird.  Good shoes to wear to the aquarium maybe.

Um...EEK?  Who comes up with these things?   Who then buys and wears them??

Whew, I needed more cuteness.

I like these in theory.  I'm going to have to take a stab here and say that I'm just not a huge fan of shoes with octopi on them, even if the octopi are blue.  These two look mean.

Speaking of creepy.  This was just one of many octopus rings I found during my search.  Clearly there are people out there who are vastly more fond of octopi than I am.  That's cool for them, but I think I'll stay over here in my octopus-free zone.  That ring might give me nightmares.

PS--didja notice that this post has EIGHT pictures in it?  Didja see what I did there?

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