Monday, June 1, 2015


Most of today was really good.  SKD's son graduated from high school last week, and his graduation party was this afternoon.  The hubby had to work, but the puppies and I got to go hang out at a lovely spot by the river for a couple of hours, and it was really really nice.  Then we met a friend for coffee and I got to meet his mom, who is absolutely wonderful, and we had a great conversation.  So it was a really good day until the drive home when my contact on the call committee I interviewed with called to say they are going with another candidate.  I'm not completely surprised, but I'm still disappointed.  I hate the call process.  I know it's not like this for everyone, but for me it's just an exercise in constant disappointment.  In think in the 3 times I've been in the process I've interviewed something like 15 times and been rejected 13.  It's hard, and I immediately wanted to curl up and sleep for a week (yay depression!), but that would have been a really bad idea as I was driving.

Moving on.  Did you know it was National Go Barefoot Day today?  Pretty awesome for barefootedness.  Not as helpful for a shoe blog.   But, it was also Oscar the Grouch Day!  And since that works for the latter half of my day, I'm going with it.

This last one cracks me up a lot.  Who would wear these?  Or who could wear these without giggling at their own feet all day?  Maybe I need a pair for the grouchy days so I can giggle at my feet.  I wouldn't wear them out of the house as I'd be too embarrassed, but a pair of giggle shoes might be just the thing.

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