Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Surprise Visit

Tuesdays have become all about the dog hair.  Tuesdays are the one day a week the hubby commutes to SF, which means I can do things like vacuum and run the dryer.   You know, the noisy stuff I can't do when he works from home and is on the phone all the time.  So I wash sheets and blankets and clean puppy hair out of the dryer screen.  I vacuum, and clean puppy hair out of the vacuum filter.  I give the puppies a bath (clean sheets mean clean puppies), and clean puppy hair out of the tub.  Seriously, how can two such tiny creatures produce so much hair?!

Today, though, brought us dog hair of a different kind.  This morning the puppies and I were in the kitchen when I heard the dog door open and saw a white blur out of the corner of my eye.  Since my dogs are brown and were both next to me, I went to investigate.  Turns out it was the beagle who lives behind us.  I had no idea how she got in our yard as when I looked I couldn't find any loose boards in the fence.  So I called her owners and her dad came and got her.  When he got here he said that earlier this morning his wife saw Misti (the beagle) coming through the fence and back into their yard.  She went and got a hammer and nails and fixed the loose board, but apparently in the time it took her to get back Misti had returned to our yard and got locked in.  I'm not sure how long she was back there before she discovered the dog door and invited herself in.  Misti the Beagle went back home, and we got a more adventurous Tuesday morning than we normally get.

In honor of Misti: The Beagle Adventurer:

This Beagle does not look terribly impressed with wearing shoes.  But it looks pretty cute doing it.

Why would you want to step all over those cute little faces?

I don't know if those are Beagles or not, but they're awfully adorable.

This is weird and a little creepy.

Is it weird and/or creepy that I kind of like this?   I wouldn't wear it, but something about it appeals to me.

The shoe is staring at me.  Make the shoe stop staring at me.

I hope your day was full of surprises and lacking in dog hair.

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