Thursday, July 23, 2015

Calendar Birthday Shoes

Yesterday I got to Skype with the fam for the Bean's birthday.  During the course of the conversation the Bean, Double A, Mom and I were killing some time waiting for the hubby to get off the phone (he was working) so we could tell the fam a story that he wanted to be part of.  While we were waiting I showed them the shoes for yesterday from the shoe calendar, and then Double A wanted to see the ones from her birthday as well.  Turns out they both got vintage shoes on their birthdays:

These are from yesterday, so the Bean's birthday, and they're from 1918.  Aren't they cool?

Double A got pink petit point shoes from 1945.

Quick side note:  These pictures aren't from the calendar, and yes, they would have been larger pictures had I gotten them from the calendar, but a. the hubby is sleeping and I don't want to bother him, and b. I'm just too lazy to go get the calendar and scan the pictures in. 

I thought I'd go see what else I could find from 1918 (or at least what the internet says are shoes from 1918).

I love the color.  Overall the shoe is a bit clunky, but it's vintage, so I'm not going to hold a little clunkiness against it. 

I really want to like these, but they're just slightly off for me.  I can't quite put my finger on why.

These are weird.  And kind of cool.  And they prove that weird-shaped cutouts in otherwise normal shoes are not a new thing.

And now on to more petit point.  Love these.  Even the heels have needlework!

These aren't baby shoes, these are doll shoes.  That was one spoiled doll.

I love the colors of this one, so bright and fun.

I'm so very happy I have nieces.  And that their birthdays coincided with cool shoes on the shoe calendar.

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