Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Happy Birthday, Bean!

Today is the Bean's 12th birthday.  She's almost a teenager!  We got to Skype with her and the parents and Double A this afternoon, so that was lovely, even if we did have technical difficulties and end up spending way more time figuring things out that we expected.  2 years ago the hubby and I were home for her birthday, which was awesome, but the shoes weren't all about her.  Last year's post was shoes named after her, so this year she gets purple (because it's her favorite color) and polka dots (because I like alliteration).  Here are 12 pairs of purple polka dots for my Bean:

Is it just me or are these kind of a weird shape?  I still think they're adorable, even if they are a bit odd.

This needs a different heel, but the top is cute.

Ohhhh...maybe I could get the hubby to wear these for the Bean if not for me?


I'll take this outfit in blue, please.  We'll get green for Double A and then we'll all 3 go on an outing.

Wouldn't these be fabulous for Lent?  Am I supposed to say fabulous and Lent in the same sentence?

Puddle stomping boots!

I just noticed that this is a ring holder shoe.

I would wear these.  They need some ribbon laces, though.

Purple polka dots for the PB!

I feel like I know a small child who had these exact shoes.

And finally some fleep flops.  Because the Bean doesn't have her auntie's issues with that darn thing between the toes.

Happy Birthday, Bean!  I love you to purple polka dots and back!

I'm now going to tack on this final paragraph because I don't want to do an actual post about it.  The hubby and I met with the bishop today, and for reasons that are both very complicated and remarkably simple, I have decided to go off of the clergy roster.  It will be awhile before I fully process this change, but at the core it was the right decision for where I am right now.  I can, after at least a year, decide to go through the process of being put back on the roster and once again be an ordained clergy person, so I'm grateful this doesn't have to be permanent unless I decide that's what God is calling me to.  I have many, many emotions which mostly boil down to just feeling weird right now.  Like I said, I haven't fully processed, so weird is about the best I've got right now.

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