Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy Birthday, PF!

Today is the Pinterest Friend's Birthday!  Yay!  I've mentioned before her love of owls, so obviously that's where we're going tonight in celebration.

This pair popped up when I did a search for "owl birthday shoes."  I think they're adorable, but I'm guessing that as an adult the PF probably doesn't want her age on her shoes.  Or maybe she does, because it means a new pair each birthday?

Not shoes, but I couldn't resist a couple of birthday cards.  There is a ton of adorable owl-themed birthday stuff out there.  I'm pretty sure they PF needs an owl birthday party.

I could wear these to the party!  I love the bright colors.

These owls look quite cheeky. (I've been watching Brit reality TV today).

Blue owls!  Dang, now which pair would I wear to the party?

For days when you need comfortable and supportive shoes, but still want fun and a little quirky. owl baby shoes.  The potential baby needs these for future owl-themed birthday parties.

So, from owl of us...Happy Birthday PF!  Hope it was a hoot!

PS--now post your favorite owl puns!

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