Thursday, July 2, 2015

Random Story of the Day

I've been thinking a lot about the Camp Friend this week.  Obviously the main reason is because  her book, Letters to Zell, came out yesterday.  Also because of the octopus shoes last week.  But I've also been thinking about her hair.  Yes, it's random.  She has awesome red hair, and when we worked together for two summers at a Lutheran bible camp in Montana, she frequently wore it up, especially the second summer when we worked in the kitchen.  At the time I was in my short hair phase of life, so I envied her red, curly, wildly awesome hair and the fact that she could put it into a bun held in place with a pencil.  The past 10 years or so I've grown my hair out and donated it 3 times.  About 4 years ago I was in a long hair, growing out phase, and it's hot here, so I was constantly putting it up.  One day I discovered that I could put it up with a pencil!  At the time I didn't make the connection back to the Camp Friend, I just thought it was awesome I could use a pencil and put my hair up.  I know, I get excited over weirdness.  Yesterday, probably because I was already thinking of her, I did make the connection.  I was working on my computer and too lazy to get up to put my hair up (it's long again), and the only thing I had handy was a crochet hook.  It worked.  I even ended up running errands later in the day with a crochet hook holding up my hair.  I'll never be as awesome as the Camp Friend, but I can keep my hair up with random objects.  Things like...

Pencils.  I already mentioned this one.  They are handy, usually.  I used to have a cup on my desk full of pencils that mostly got used for my hair as I rarely write with a pencil.

Chopsticks.  I have the kind you buy specifically for hair, but I've also on occasion used a regular (clean, don't worry) chopstick.  Isn't that little shoe chopstick holder adorable?

I already mentioned pencils, but I used to have a purple colored pencil in glove box of my car (I have no idea why) that worked great when my hair would get too hot while I was driving.  Also, how cool are these shoes made out of colored pencil stubs?

And finally, crochet hooks.  You know I chose these because I love rainbow colors, and the stripey, rainbow-y baby-y shoes.  I'm not sure these particular hooks would work that great in my hair, as I don't own any, it doesn't matter.

There you go...your randomness for the day.

PS--Should Camp Friend become Author Friend?  Hmmm....

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting shoe choices today. ME
