Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I Can't

I was supposed to help the hubby with a project today, but the headache I went to bed with took the night to get progressively worse.  I managed to a few things, but for the most part I stayed home, snuggled with puppies, and put ice packs on my eyes.  Now I think I might have sinus infection, or at least sinus crap.  Either way it's rude.  During the times when my eyes didn't feel like they were going to pop from the pressure I managed to finish reading Jesus Freak by Sara Miles.  I have a huge long list of books I'm trying to catch up on, and this one needed to be finished so I can return in to the library.  I like my theology best in the form of humorous, often slightly snarky, spiritual memoirs, so this worked nicely.  And then I had to go look up "Jesus shoes."  First, I'm shocked I've never done this before.  Second, I wish I hadn't because now I can't unsee them.  And if I can't, you don't get to either.

That is a LOT of white Jesus.  On shoes.  I don't know why I'm shocked, since I've found all kinds of weird stuff on shoes.  I just can't get on board with these; they actually creep me out.  I don't even find them funny, just weird.  Poor Jesus...we're always trying to force him into weird boxes (in this case, shoe boxes!).  I really hope the guy has a sense of humor.

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