Monday, July 27, 2015

Weird Day

As far as random holidays go, July 27th is a good day.  First, did you know that it's Take Your Pants for a Walk Day?  I didn't either, but now we do.  I guess as long as you're wearing pants and walking, then you are celebrating this day properly.  I wore shorts today, so I think I failed.

I think I've posted these before, but they're still incredibly weird.

At least this combination isn't attached like above, but I think I may have just gone blind.  Why would anyone go here?

Today is also Bagpipe Appreciation Day.  I, for one, appreciate the heck out of bagpipes.  I know they aren't for everyone, but I'm a fan.  I like to pretend it's because I have Scottish ancestry.  You know, instead of muscle memory, ancestor memory?

Bagpipe socks.  I had no idea these existed.  I don't think my love of bagpipes extends to a burning desire to wear bagpipe socks, but I'm not judging those who do have that desire.

To celebrate Bagpipe Appreciation Day here is Amazing Grace on bagpipes and pipe organ.  It's not my favorite version, but it's pretty darn good.  Sadly for Take Your Pants for a Walk day, the bagpiper is wearing a kilt, but not all holidays can coincide perfectly.

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