Sunday, July 19, 2015

Ups and Downs

I've been trying to figure out what to write tonight.  I had a post planned (that I will most likely do tomorrow), but then I heard from my mom that my second cousin Howard died last night in a house fire.  I didn't want to do a silly shoe post when I've been so sad most of the day.  I'm not sure quite how to describe Howard except that he was kind of strange, and a bit of a hermit.  He was also hilarious and very, very nice.  We weren't close, I generally only saw him once a year on the 4th of July when my mom's family has a family reunion, but I don't have any negative memories of him.  He made me laugh and he was always nice.  I was a ridiculously sensitive kid, but Howard never once made me cry, even through unintentional teasing.  I haven't seen him in many years, and yet I will miss his presence in the world.  I'm just hoping he was greeted in heaven by his mother who smothered him in hugs and kisses (she was one of the sweetest people I've ever known).  I'm so sad for his father, Stan, who has lost not only his wife, but now 2 of his 3 sons.  A parent shouldn't outlive one, let alone multiple children.  Tonight I cling to the promises of the resurrection.

As happens with life, it wasn't entirely a bad day.  Today was Flower's gotcha day, which means that 9 years ago today my sister and brother-in-law finally got to go to the orphanage in China and meet the baby they'd been waiting for.  I mean look at this face:

This was after a million hours on a plane, and I can only imagine what was going through her mind at the strange turn her young life had just taken.  But don't you just want to smoosh those cheeks?  She is almost 10 now, and a total sweetheart.  We got to chat with her for quite awhile this morning, and she made my heart happy.

Life and death, joy and sorrow always walk hand in hand, and as sad as today made me, I still give thanks for the love and joy of my family.

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