Monday, July 20, 2015


Yesterday was the final day of the ELCA Youth Gathering.  There have been lots of fabulous videos and articles posted on Facebook by my friends who went, and it's been great fun to stay connected even though I wasn't there this year.  One of the articles earlier in the week made a comment that later became hashtag for the event.  Many of the youth groups who attend the youth gathering wear matching t-shirts every day so it's a little easier to find your group in the mob, and this prompted one Detroit resident to say that it looked like a Skittles factory exploded.  You can kind of get the idea in this picture:

Even if the Skittles reference isn't obvious, you can at least see what 30,000 Lutherans in one place looks like.  Obviously tonight's shoes will be Skittles themed:

Recycled Skittles wrappers!  Cute AND environmentally friendly.

You know I love a brightly colored shoe.  These would be good for all of the walking that is done during a gathering. I wonder if anyone would get the reference if these were worn in Houston at the next gathering in 3 years?

I love the red, but I like the bright ones above better.

And these!  Rainbow stripes!

Those are Skittles, but the shoe color makes me think Reese's Pieces.  Does that make me a candy dork?
I'd rather these were bright instead of pastel, but I'm glad to see a heel represented.

Yikes.  I think those are actual Skittles glued to a wedge.  Not every DIY project needs to happen, people!

If you want to know a little more about what Detroit thinks of those crazy Lutherans, check out this article.

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